Ah, February has arrived - new month fresh start! How are those New Year's resolutions going? Maybe not so well. Or perhaps you didn't even bother. If though, if are looking for a positive change here is a suggestion: You could simply opt for a change of attitude to a more positive one that serves you better. This switch is a great way to grow - to develop your whole being.
"Developing the self is the most fun thing you can do in life. It's a spontaneous experience of joy." Dr Deepak Chopra
Personal growth is a choice. Actually, if you think about it, our life is made up of the sum of all our choices up to this moment. Hmm. That may set your mind on the path of: Well, when I made one choice such and such happened and it's working well / but when I made another choice I didn't like what happened and it seems like I'm stuck with it now. The great thing is that if we are not happy with some of our choices... we may well be able to choose again!
"You've got a lot of choices. If getting out of bed in the morning is a chore and you're not smiling on a regular basis, try another choice." Steven D Woodhull
Admittedly, change is not always an easy thing. However, choosing to change, to grow, is the first and most crucial step towards making it happen.
"That definite decision, the universe conspires to make it happen."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Okay, let's get specific by looking at one very common problem: Criticism. Being on the receiving end of criticism can be a very painful experience.
Do you attract a lot of criticism? If you do, using the following Blossom Tool could change that.
Blossom Tool
Stop criticising... yourself!
When you stop criticising yourself and start choosing more supportive thoughts you will stop attracting criticism from others. (Wow! What a lot of heartache and aggravation that will save.) This is because people's behaviour towards us tends to mirror our own.
Choosing to put aside criticism will take you a giant step towards your best self. Choose to: © Be the Best You Can Be!
If you want to start praying from your heart and listening for God's answers let my simple methods lead you in Pray Then Listen, A heart-to-heart with God.
Check out Pray Then Listen In UK / In US / In Singapore
Available as a Kindle version or paperback!
Set on the green and beautiful Greek island of Corfu in this novel I show the ever-present backstory of life, as I interpret the supernatural elements of our dilemmas and choices.
I know, that no matter what your beliefs or experiences, you will surely recognize the tussles of my characters, as tussles in your own life.... Enjoy!
Click on the following links to check out my novel, Angel at the Paradise Hotel In UK / In US / In Singapore
Available as a Kindle version or paperback!
I wrote 9 Days to Heaven, How to make everlasting meaning of your life as my personal evangelization effort.
Check out 9 Days to Heaven In UK / In US / In Singapore
Available as a Kindle version or paperback!
God bless,
PS. About the links to Singapore, please see my blog post Singapore and Christianity