Let Biblical Inspiration Fire Your Imagination!
3 minute reading and meditation
You will need a bible, a chair, and few minutes alone
Jesus said, “…love one another. By this everyone will
know that you are my disciples…”
John 13:35
Romantic love is in the air this Valentine's Day. For Christians
though, as God is Love: every day, every moment, we are challenged by Jesus’
commandment to show love to everyone we cross paths with. We do so by being
helpful, forgiving, generous, kind, and so on. Sometimes showing love is easy.
But at other times it can prove extremely difficult. Yet we are bound to try.
If you are struggling with this the following meditation could give your
efforts a boost!
1. Read John
2. Sit up
straight and close your eyes. Breathe in deeply through the nose. Hold a few
seconds. Breathe out through the mouth and as you do so feel the whole of your
body relax.
3. Now
meditate for a few moments on the fact that Jesus, as God made man, was fully
aware of the potential difficulties His commandment would stir up. That our human
nature would sometimes cause a tussle between self-concern and demonstrating
the love He wants of us.
4. Now say
this prayer – or one of your own – ‘Dear Lord Jesus, because of my love for
You, I want to always follow Your commandment to love. Please will You help me
daily to rise to this challenge. And please also remind me that when I do so I
am filled with joy! I ask this through the same Christ our Lord. Amen’
5. When you
are ready breathe in and out deeply as before. Then open your eyes and have a
big stretch.
Prayerfully hoping the above meditation helps in your desire to do what
Jesus asks.
God bless,
Teresa x
I have been asking God for guidance and listening to His replies for many years. I share my methods in Pray Then Listen, A heart-to-heart with God.
Check out Pray Then Listen In UK / In US / In Singapore
Available as a Kindle version or paperback!

Set on the green and beautiful Greek island of Corfu in this novel I show the ever-present backstory of life, as I interpret the supernatural elements of our dilemmas and choices.
I know, that no matter what your beliefs or experiences, you will surely recognize the tussles of my characters, as tussles in your own life.... Enjoy!
Click on the following links to check out my novel, Angel at the Paradise Hotel In UK / In US / In Singapore
Available as a Kindle version or paperback!

I wrote 9 Days to Heaven, How to make everlasting meaning of your life as my personal evangelization effort.
Check out 9 Days to Heaven In UK / In US / In Singapore
Available as a Kindle version or paperback!
I'd love to hear your thoughts or feedback on this post.
God bless,
PS. About the links to Singapore, please see my blog post Singapore and Christianity