Hello dear friend,
I can hardly believe that I wrote the piece below on Putin's war on Ukraine almost a year ago! And in that time-span so much senseless bloodshed, misery, and destruction has been perpetrated on Ukraine and Ukrainians - who just wanted to go about their business in peace.
I will gather with other parishioners at my Parish church tonight for a Candlelit Vigil for Peace in Ukraine, as I wrote about below. I hope that you will still find it in your heart to do the same: to pray for the innocent either with others or joining your solo prayers with ours and the others around the world.
Hello dear friend,
I hope you are keeping well in these difficult times! Thank you for dropping in.
With the cruel war devastating Ukraine, feeling upset and angry and powerless I went along to join with a group of people at church to pray for peace. As soon as a friend mentioned that the meeting was happening for the first time that evening I felt compelled to join in.
At 6pm on the dot I approached the church and wondered if anyone had arrived yet as all seemed to be in darkness and quiet. But as I pushed open the door and walked inside I was met by the sight of a bank of blazing candles on either side of the altar and a group of people in silent prayer. I moved into a pew and sank to my knees and began to add my own silent petitions to God alongside the others.
I don't mind telling you that I first apologized to God for all the times I have let Him down. For the times I have not been loving; which is what He ask us to be. Then, well, I wept for the people of Ukraine being attacked and bombed and terrified all under the instruction of one man. And though I had already prayed for the same thing countless times since this war began, I really did feel that saying these prayers with the group made them even more potent.
After a while there was a CD of Taize music playing gently in the background and as I gazed up at a crucifix suspended above the altar, contemplating Christ's death and resurrection - which was His triumph over death - I simply put my trust in Him.
We have been praying as a group for over two weeks. We bring our hour of prayer to a close as we stand, holding lit candles, and say together the following prayer, which you may like to say too.
A Prayer For
Loving God,
We pray for
the people of Ukraine,
for all
those suffering or afraid,
that You
will be close to them and protect them.
We pray for
world leaders,
for compassion,
strength and wisdom to guide their choices.
We pray for
the world
that in this
moment of crisis,
we may reach
out in solidarity
to our
brothers and sisters in need.
May we walk
in Your ways
so that
peace and justice
become a
reality for the people of Ukraine
and for all
the world.
We ask this
in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Joining in prayer to pray for peace is giving me a personal focus. Yes, I was, and am, praying for this many times throughout each day and night. But as Jesus said, "Whenever
two of you on earth agree about anything you pray for, it will be done for you
by My Father in heaven.” (Mat. 18:19). So, mindful of His promise, praying together adds great power to our prayer.
If you would like to join us in spirit, even for a few moments, we are meeting between 6pm and 7pm on Monday to Friday until further notice. The times are GMT so if you are in a different time zone you could check out what time that is in your country.
Wishing you every blessing.
For info on my work please visit my website: www.teresaodriscoll.co.uk and my other blog: https://creativelivingforthebestyou.blogspot.com/
For further inspiration take a look at my book 9 Days to Heaven, How to make everlasting meaning of your life, is a practical guide to joyful living which has already helped many through a crisis in their life. To see the book trailer click on this link: 9 Days to Heaven
The book is available as a paperback from any good bookshop and many websites. Click here to buy the e-book on Amazon. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Days-Heaven-Make-Everlasting-Meaning-ebook/dp/B00AIR8CSC
News News News!
I have two new books published which I hope inspire you.
My book Pray Then Listen, A heart-to-heart with God is a prayer guide that shows you how to listen for God's voice in order to draw closer to Him. It is for all. You may not know God yet or you may know Him well, in either case the book can be of great help in deepening Faith. Check out Pray Then Listen
My debut novel, Angel at the Paradise Hotel, Christian fiction - Holidays-romance-suspense - is set in Corfu and features characters from Wales, America and Ireland. Find all the details here.