Tuesday, 28 February 2023

Listening for God’s Voice - Lenten course Week One

A Lenten course based on Pray Then Listen, a heart-to-heart with God

Perhaps as part of your spiritually joining Christ on the path towards His Passion, you have either given something up that you enjoy, or you are doing something that involves going that extra mile. Whatever you choose though, why not add a new and exciting dimension? Ask Jesus for His input and help!

I have been asking God for guidance and listening to His replies and watching for His guidance for many years.

Check out Pray Then Listen

An example of me listening to God

On 15th January 17 while cooking Sunday dinner for my dad, with the pots boiling I stood at the open backdoor. When a shaft of sunshine broke through the grey cloud blanket I smiled and thanked God for that sunbeam. God the Father then told me, “Write a book and show people how to speak to Me!” 

Throughout the Lenten course I will show you how to draw nearer in relationship with the Holy Trinity through Pray Then Listen, a heart-to-heart with God - my work of obedience to that command.

Week One - Opening your heart to God

In this busy crazy world it is all too easy to forget that we are spirit as well as mind and body. Since the pandemic there has been an extra focus on mental health on top of physical health. Unfortunately, the secular world completely ignores the spirit and its need for nourishment.

I am sure you know that when you don’t put enough effort into nourishing your Faith, everything feels a bit washed out and pointless. The antidote to that feeling is to walk closely with God. And so, for the whole of this first week of Lent use the prayer below, or one of your own, to invite Christ right into the centre of your daily life. 

Prayer to move closer to Christ

Dear Lord Jesus,  

Please walk with me this week as I strive to grow in Love and keep up my Lenten observations. If I encounter obstacles and challenges please guide me through these.

I ask this in the same name of Jesus. Amen

As you go on with your week say the above prayer often and watch out for God’s guidance. This could arrive in any number of ways, so keep alert and open for God moving in your life.

God may answer you like this:

You may speak to someone, maybe that you hardly know, or even a stranger, and find yourself confiding a dilemma. Only to discover they’ve been there too and have some important advice to impart.  

If you have any questions or observations please visit my website for more info or to contact me

God bless,


To check out Pray Then Listen in the UK  

2nd May 23 

Update: I want to share some good news with you:

My debut novel, Angel at the Paradise Hotel,  Christian fiction - Holidays-romance-suspense - recently launched which is set in Corfu and features characters from Wales, America and Ireland - I think you will love it! Find all the details and Backstory here.       

You could also check out my other book...

I wrote 9 Days to Heaven, How to make everlasting meaning of your life as my personal evangelization effort.  

Check out 9 Days to Heaven In UK / In US / In Singapore / In Australia / 

Available as a Kindle version or paperback!

Also, for more info about me 
please visit my website.  

Again, blessings, Teresa x