Friday, 29 September 2023

St Augustine: Sinner to saint through his mother's prayers!


Saint Augustine of Hippo by Philippe de Champaigne

Hello and Welcome! 

Thanks so much for dropping in to read my blog. I hope you are well and that this post blesses you. Today, after recent discussions with friends and relatives, my mind is full of thoughts of disappointed Christian parents. You see, a number of them have children, some now grown-up, who are not practising Christians, some not even believers, and some have become 'lost' to them. Of course, this is a great sadness in their life. Perhaps you too are experiencing the same sadness.

If this is blighting your life I want to give you hope. Perhaps you know about St Monica, the mother of St Augustine of Hippo theologian and philosopher. Monica, a very holy woman, was greatly concerned about her son as he was leading a hedonistic life and ignoring God. Her prayers for her son’s soul were answered in a spectacular way. Augustine, once converted, became such a paragon of virtue that the church holds him up as a shining example of sainthood. I once heard a priest comment on how this turnaround came about. He said that Monica ‘willed it’ by her constant and hopeful prayers for her son.

I have seen similar prayers of fellow-parishioners being answered by the returning of their off-spring to Christ. In my own life, for different reasons, I can assure you that God DOES answer our prayers, so please give Him a chance to answer yours - in every trial and situation you may find yourself in. If a loved one of yours has turned away from Christ, or, for example, rejects even His existence try saying this prayer, or one of your own, from your heart.

Prayer for a loved one to draw close to God

“Dear Heavenly Father,

I love You with all that is in me, and so I dare to say:

Please Lord, please bless my loved one [name them] with the gift of Faith.

I ask this, in confidence, in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.”

If your prayer is not answered immediately, do not give up hope that God will answer, in His own time. Remember St Monica and her years of fervent prayer. I am praying regularly for some of my loved ones who have not yet come to Faith…

If anything in this post has piqued your interest in my work you may like to take a look at my books. I've put a few links too as maybe even just taking a 'look inside' may bring you comfort or blessings...

I have been asking God for guidance and listening to His replies for many years. I share my methods in Pray Then Listen, A heart-to-heart with God.

Check out Pray Then Listen In UK / In US  / In Singapore / In Australia / In New Zealand / In Hong Kong

Available as a Kindle version or paperback! 

Set on the green and beautiful Greek island of Corfu in this novel I show the ever-present backstory of life, as I interpret the supernatural elements of our dilemmas and choices. 

I know, that no matter what your beliefs or experiences, you will surely recognize the tussles of my characters, as tussles in your own life....  Enjoy!

Click on the following links to check out my novel, Angel at the Paradise Hotel In UK /  In US / In Singapore / In Australia / In New Zealand / In Hong Kong

Available as a Kindle version or paperback!

I wrote 9 Days to Heaven, How to make everlasting meaning of your life as my personal evangelization effort.  

Check out 9 Days to Heaven In UK / In US / In Singapore 

Available as a Kindle version or paperback!

Here is the link for the YouTube book trailer:  9 Days to Heaven 

For articles, plus more info about me and my work please visit my website.  (

I'd love to hear your thoughts or feedback on this post, or any of my posts or work.

God bless,


PS. About the links to Singapore, please see my blog post Singapore and Christianity  

Monday, 25 September 2023

Christ: A vision and blessing for parents!


A scanned picture from a calendar dated 2000

Hello and Welcome!

Thanks so much for stopping by. Today I am thinking of Christian parents with young children for whom they hope, that when they grow up, they will keep faithful to Christ. That prompts me to share a very powerful experience with you.  

One evening, years ago, I was at the gig of a friend's band, sitting beside his brother, Terry. I knew that he and his wife were lapsed Catholics (something about a quarrel with a priest over their wedding had stopped them going to church). We got chatting about his young daughter. I asked if she was Christened and he said she was. I asked him if he knew God. He looked puzzled. "Do I know Him," he said. I felt a bit puzzled myself as it was not a question I had ever asked anyone before, but I pressed on. I told him that I felt that the most important thing that a parent could do for their child was to introduce them to God. And to explain that He is with them. I said, "For one thing, if they ever feel afraid or lonely when you are not with them, they will know that God is with them." After that Terry sat up straighter and firmly promised that when his daughter was older, he would be proud to tell her about Christ! 

After Terry spoke those words, I looked up, and to the right of the stage Christ appeared and was beaming a smile at me. (It was actually the second time I'd seen Him, but the first time was entirely different. In fact, He looks different each time.) Later, I analysed the scene, but at the time of the vision, which lasted, maybe a couple of minutes, I kept glancing at Christ then looking away. I felt very shy of His smile, as He seemed to be telling me that He was very pleased with me. I said to myself, 'What have I said right?’

I can still, in my mind's eye, see that vision as clearly today as when I experienced it all those years ago. Here is what I saw:

It was as if Christ was appearing to me on a white screen - the kind I'd seen often in London clubs, where they bring a screen down to show a music video of the song the DJ is playing. The ‘screen’ was about, say, 10 x 6' (1.82m x 1.21m) I saw Christ from about the waist up, wearing a white robe. His hair was golden, his eyes bright twinkling blue, his smile white and beautiful. Years later I bought a calendar for the Millennium and when I saw in it the picture of Christ, which I share above, I was mesmerized as it so closely resembled Christ as He appeared to me that evening.

I have prayed about that vision, not knowing why I am so blessed with these visions because I am definitely NOT saintly, or special (we are all special to God, though). That evening, it is my belief that Christ was indeed pleased with what I had told Terry. That evening, those words, seemed not to be from me. I wonder if you too sometimes find yourself speaking about God in a way you never have before. I presume it is as in Mark 13:11 "Do not be anxious beforehand or premeditate what you will say, but say whatever will be given you in that hour. For it is not you who speak, but the Holy Spirit." I am convinced that the Holy Spirit was guiding my words that evening…

I’m sure that you have heard the saying: ‘A family that prays together stays together.’ I also feel strongly that this is the perfect way to instil the love of God into the whole family, and I speak personally as we did pray together as a family when I was growing up.

About praying as a family. If it's not something that you already do, but you would like to, in some way, here is a suggestion. Begin to say a prayer before you eat a family meal. You could introduce this by saying something like: “I've been thinking about all the poor people in this country / in the world, and I feel that our family is so blessed to have food to eat. So, I'd like us to say Thank You to God before we eat it.” 

There are many simple prayers for saying Grace before meals, the simplest I know is:

Dear Lord, 

For what I am about to receive I am truly grateful. Amen.

In my book Pray Then Listen I have a section called ‘Pray Before Eating’ where I address this issue and suggest adding onto the above this prayer:

Prayer of gratitude for food

Dear Lord, 

Thank You for blessing me with the gift of this nourishing food. I know that without You nothing would grow. In gratitude, as I eat, I will savour each mouthful.

At some point you could suggest that, as a family, in gratitude for your blessings, you could make a small donation to a charity for the poor. One of my favourite charities is Mary's Meals, who provide life-changing meals to some of the world's poorest children, every day they attend school. Here's a link to their website:  Also, for more info, please see my blogpost: Mary's Meals Deliver Food and Hope

Wishing you all the very best with the above.  Below I give details of my three books. You may even be blessed by simply checking out the link and taking a peek through, 'Look inside'...

I have been asking God for guidance and listening to His replies for many years. I share my methods in Pray Then Listen, A heart-to-heart with God.

Check out Pray Then Listen In UK / In US  / In Singapore

Available as a Kindle version or paperback! 

Set on the green and beautiful Greek island of Corfu in this novel I show the ever-present backstory of life, as I interpret the supernatural elements of our dilemmas and choices. 

I know, that no matter what your beliefs or experiences, you will surely recognize the tussles of my characters, as tussles in your own life....  Enjoy!

Click on the following links to check out my novel, Angel at the Paradise Hotel In UK /  In US / In Singapore

Available as a Kindle version or paperback!

I wrote 9 Days to Heaven, How to make everlasting meaning of your life as my personal evangelization effort.  

Check out 9 Days to Heaven In UK / In US / In Singapore 

Available as a Kindle version or paperback!

Here is the link for the YouTube book trailer:  9 Days to Heaven 

For articles, plus more info about me and my work please visit my website.  (

I'd love to hear your thoughts or feedback on this post.

God bless,


PS. About the links to Singapore, please see my blog post Singapore and Christianity  


Monday, 18 September 2023

Sharing your love of Christ gently!


Me at Llantwit Major beach, South Wales, UK. 

Hello and Welcome!

Thank you so much for stopping by today! I hope that you and yours are keeping well! Today my mind is turning on evangelization, the sharing of our Christian faith, and how we are all, as baptized Christians, called upon to do that. But I know, from personal experience, that it's not always an easy thing to do. And it can even be a bit of a balancing act, like me on that wall in the photo above... 

Many years ago when I tried to do that it felt more like I was supposed to 'stand up for Christ' and it often led to an argument. An argument during which I felt completely out of my depth as I am not a theologian. There is a saying in the UK relating to say, a dinner party, or gathering of friends if you want to keep things harmonious: "Never argue about religion or politics." How true that is! And after one particularly bitter exchange I made the decision to never argue about religion again. 

Well, for some years I mostly kept quiet. But one day I knew I had to start speaking up again though I didn't know how to do that. I wasn't going to argue with anyone on the subject of Christianity. So, how on earth was I going to share my faith? I prayed about it. 

I began to speak my truth very gently. When people said, for instance, that they no longer believed in God as something bad had happened to someone in their family I would empathize. Tragedy has also struck my own family, and I had felt like turning my back on God. They shared their story and I shared mine. I told them I could understand their turning away. But I had, eventually, decided that as God is Love He must have a reason for letting X happen. And I had decided to trust Him. I explained that God is as real to me as them and that Jesus has been my best friend since I was about seven years old.

And if you are wondering how the conversation went on after that let me tell you. Most people looked wistful, and said they wished they had what I had. In answer to that, and following me praying I had the following advice, which you may want to try out for yourself... 

If you want to know if God exists

When you next have a few quiet minutes alone: Open your heart and say to God, "If you are there God I want to know You." If He has anything to say then, let Him speak. And if not go about your business but keep open for His reply. Then, get a Bible, and go to a church service. 

I know that sounds very simple, but St Paul tells us clearly in Acts 17:27 that God made us so that we would seek Him. And "By feeling [our] way towards Him [we]would succeed in finding Him..." 

After that, being a writer, I wrote a book based on Revelation 3:20 "Behold I stand at the door and knock..." The book is 9 Days to Heaven, How to make everlasting meaning of your life. I call it a Programme, as it takes place over a 9 day period, 15 minutes a day, where you slowly get to know God better through simple prayers and meditation. I am confident that it will free you from the fear and confusion about life that fills you when you are trying to live without God. 

I wrote 9 Days to Heaven, How to make everlasting meaning of your life as my personal evangelization effort.  

Check out 9 Days to Heaven In UK / In US / In Singapore 

Available as a Kindle version or paperback!

Here is the link for the YouTube book trailer:  9 Days to Heaven 

Here are some details of my other two books.

I have been asking God for guidance and listening to His replies for many years. I share my methods in Pray Then Listen, A heart-to-heart with God.

Check out Pray Then Listen In UK / In US  / In Singapore

Available as a Kindle version or paperback! 

Set on the green and beautiful Greek island of Corfu in this novel I show the ever-present backstory of life, as I interpret the supernatural elements of our dilemmas and choices. 

I know, that no matter what your beliefs or experiences, you will surely recognize the tussles of my characters, as tussles in your own life....  Enjoy!

Click on the following links to check out my novel, Angel at the Paradise Hotel In UK /  In US / In Singapore

Available as a Kindle version or paperback!

For articles, plus more info about me and my work please visit my website.  (

I'd love to hear how you got on if you tried out my method of speaking to God, or shared it with someone who didn't yet know Him. 

God bless,


PS. About the links to Singapore, please see my blog post Singapore and Christianity  

PPS If you are living in Singapore I would really love to hear of your personal faith journey. Perhaps you would like to do that through my website via Contact me.

Thursday, 7 September 2023

Remembering Queen Elizabeth Through Faith


Hello and Welcome!

Tomorrow, 8th September, it will be a whole year since the passing of our lovely monarch, Queen Elizabeth. It hardly seems that long since the awful news was announced. We miss her. The country still misses her. Long live King Charles, though!

I was going through a folder belonging to my late mother, Charlotte, and found this poem. Since Mum loved the Queen it felt fitting to share it with you. And meant I could remember Mum too in the same post - which feels right and fitting. (The photo above is of the card the queen sent to my parents on their Platinum wedding anniversary. You can read about that on my post "Mum and the Queen").

The Queen's Christian faith was obvious in all she said and did. My Mum's faith, too, was strong and active all her life. This leads me to say that I am confident that they have both reached their heavenly home.

I hope and pray that if you too are missing a loved one this poem will bring a little comfort.

"When we are sad and all alone

And tears fall thick and fast

We bow our heads and fate bemoan,

We think our grief will last.

But if we chance to raise our eyes

And look towards the light

We find our help comes from the skies

And hope grows clear and bright.

Someone up there knows all our fears,

He watches from above,

Our Father up in Heav'n Who sees

Will comfort us with love.

If humbly from our hearts we pray

With pure and simple tongue,

Despair and sadness fade away,

We do not wait for long

For smiles to take the place of tears,

For joy instead of pain;

When faith has banished all our fears

We tread the path again." ANON

I hope that when you are going through a bad or sad time you, too, turn your eyes to God...

For more inspiration through my work please see below:

I have been asking God for guidance and listening to His replies for many years. I share my methods in Pray Then Listen, A heart-to-heart with God.

Check out Pray Then Listen In UK / In US  / In Singapore

Available as a Kindle version or paperback! 

Set on the green and beautiful Greek island of Corfu in this novel I show the ever-present backstory of life, as I interpret the supernatural elements of our dilemmas and choices. 

I know, that no matter what your beliefs or experiences, you will surely recognize the tussles of my characters, as tussles in your own life....  Enjoy!

Click on the following links to check out my novel, Angel at the Paradise Hotel In UK /  In US / In Singapore

Available as a Kindle version or paperback!

I wrote 9 Days to Heaven, How to make everlasting meaning of your life as my personal evangelization effort.  

Check out 9 Days to Heaven In UK / In US / In Singapore 

Available as a Kindle version or paperback!

Here is the link for the YouTube book trailer:  9 Days to Heaven 

For articles, plus more info about me and my work please visit my website.  (

I'd love to hear your thoughts or feedback on this post.

God bless,


PS. About the links to Singapore, please see my blog post Singapore and Christianity 

Friday, 1 September 2023

Poem by Pauline Lewis inspired by Pray Then Listen!

 A favourite riverbank close to my home in Wales

Hello dear friend,

Thanks so much for dropping by today. I do hope that what you read inspires you in some way, and makes your day a little brighter. I am writing this post on 1st September and I do love this month. It goes back to childhood, I think, and the new autumn school term. I used to love school. Later in my life, I often signed up for evening classes starting this month. I fondly remember Spanish lessons and art classes. Great fun! Today, I am eager to share a lovely poem with you.

Recently my dear friend, and fellow Christian author, Pauline Lewis, was kind enough to review my prayer guide, Pray Then Listen. She said, “I am being blessed by Pray Then Listen. It has become a valued part of my prayer time.” Since Pauline has dedicated so much of her life to working for Christ, even becoming a missionary in what was then called Papua New Guinee, I felt humbled by her feedback.

One section of Pray Then Listen leads you into ways to help to bring the Bible alive. One of the Bible passages I use is based on John 9:1-41, the man born blind. After carrying out the exercise using my methods Pauline was inspired to write this poem.


To use Pauline's poem as a meditation, start by breathing in deeply, holding that breath for a few seconds, then, as you breathe out feel the whole of your body relax.


Now read the poem slowly, ideally aloud, using your whole focus.


BORN BLIND – by Pauline Lewis

Newborn babe, sound in mind,

Heart and limb, just blind,

Born blind.

No gentle dog to guide his way

Art or skill to help each day,

He’s blind, born blind, blind he will stay.

He’s blind.


God’s curse is on him, men may say.

‘Who sinned? Who sinned,’ he hears each day.

But Jesus comes, he is the Way

To help this man born blind.


With mud and spittle making clay

‘Now go and wash’ he hears him say.

How gladly, gladly he’ll obey.

Now he’s no longer blind!


And men may grumble and complain.

‘Do not believe in Christ’, they say

But he’s seen the rainbow in the rain

And looked on the face of God.


Born blind, born blind is what men say,

But now he knows another way.

Born blind indeed he may have been,

Yet born for the glory of God.


When you have finished reading the poem close your eyes for a few moments and think over the words. Finish the meditation by breathing in, holding that breath for a few moments, and after you breath out slowly, have a big stretch.

Whenever I learn that my books and other writings have encouraged and inspired a reader, I thank the Lord for that blessing. I am in awe of such a response. I think you will agree that Pauline’s poem is brilliant! Visit Pauline’s blog to check out her other works using this link:

For more inspiration through my work please see below:

I have been asking God for guidance and listening to His replies for many years. I share my methods in Pray Then Listen, A heart-to-heart with God.

Check out Pray Then Listen In UK / In US  / In Singapore

Available as a Kindle version or paperback! 

Set on the green and beautiful Greek island of Corfu in this novel I show the ever-present backstory of life, as I interpret the supernatural elements of our dilemmas and choices. 

I know, that no matter what your beliefs or experiences, you will surely recognize the tussles of my characters, as tussles in your own life....  Enjoy!

Click on the following links to check out my novel, Angel at the Paradise Hotel In UK /  In US / In Singapore

Available as a Kindle version or paperback!

I wrote 9 Days to Heaven, How to make everlasting meaning of your life as my personal evangelization effort.  

Check out 9 Days to Heaven In UK / In US / In Singapore 

Available as a Kindle version or paperback!

For more info about me and my work please visit my website.  (

I'd love to hear your thought on Pauline's poem, or any other feedback on this post today.

God bless,


PS. About those links to Singapore, please see my blog post Singapore and Christianity  "