Well, not long to go now before the UK government RUSHES Parliament into voting on whether or not to legalise suicide. Well, as another side of the debate here is a statement by Not Dead Yet: a network of Disabled and terminally ill people who are asking you to email your MP to ask them to Vote Against the Bill.
Not Dead Yet believe that, if the Bill is passed, some people's lives will be ended prematurely, due to mistakes and abuse. Vulnerable lives will be at risk. No "safeguards" can guarantee protection from coercion.
They say that evidence from the small number of places around the world that have legalised assisted suicide is deeply concerning. For example, in Oregon - a model often sited by UK assisted suicide campaigners - the latest official data* shows that 47% of people who had an assisted suicide said they were doing so because the were concerned that they were a "burden on family, friends / caregivers". [See my previous post "Assisted suicide: the slippery slope! about Van Gogh on this.]
Hospice UK has identified that over 100,000* people dying each year without access to the palliative care they need and the Government has said that our NHS is "going through the biggest crisis in its history"*. Against this backdrop, now is not the time to legalise assisted suicide.
Not one organisation of disabled people has called for this Bill nor supports it.
For more info on the organisation click this link: Not Dead Yet UK
*Oregon Health Authority -Oregon Death with Dignity Act - 2023 data summary
*UK Parliament POST note - Palliative and end of life care
The NHS is broken: Health and Social Care Secretary statement
I am well aware that this is an emotive subject. It should be. We are talking about life and death situations!! And let's be clear that if this law is passed it will change our culture completely. An industry of death will spring up almost immediately.
Right to Life UK say this:
You may have read in The Telegraph that the inventor of the Sarco gas chamber assisted suicide pod, the founder of assisted suicide lobby group ‘Exit International’, Dr Philip Nitschke (who the media nickname “Dr Death”) has announced that he plans to launch an assisted suicide service using the Sarco pods in the UK if the Bill becomes law.
A person can end their own life inside the 3D-printed Sarco pod by pushing a button, which injects nitrogen gas into the sealed gas chamber. The nitrogen causes them to suffocate to death. Dr Philip Nitschke has said that the machine can be “towed anywhere for the death”.
Professor of law and constitutional government at St John’s College, Oxford, Richard Ekins KC said, “If Kim Leadbeater’s Bill passes, and if the Secretary of State approves liquid nitrogen as an approved substance, then the Sarco death pod would be a lawful means to assist suicide in Britain".
We need to make it clear right now to our MPs that it is a real possibility that these horrifing Sarco gas chamber suicide pods could be launched here if assisted suicide is legalised. We must reiterate that they must oppose this Bill.
With just over 2 days to go, it is a make-or-break moment. Even if you have emailed your MP earlier on the assisted suicide Bill, it’s very important that you contact them with this new information.
That slippery slope, that thin edge of the wedge, that snowballing - however you want to describe the inevitability of the Bill being stretched the net of death cast ever wider will happen. If that makes your blood run cold, as it does mine, please do email and ask your MP to vote against the Bill as Not Dead Yet Not Dead Yet UK are asking. Many thanks.
Stay safe.
God bless,
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