Hello and Welcome!
I'm sure that you, like me, have been unfairly accused of something, and boy, does it hurt! I was reminded of this upon reading Our Daily Bread today 12th January 25, penned by Leslie Koh.
It sent me back to childhood, when, a couple of times, my word was dismissed. Picture this: I am sitting in a classroom, the teacher has told us to stop talking and get on with our work, a friend whispers something to me, I turn my face towards her, and... the teacher having heard a voice presumes it was mine. I was punished both times; once by having to stand outside the classroom on a chair for about an hour and a half. Wouldn't happen today, I presume, but it didn't hurt me. But being blamed for something I didn't do, did hurt. (I realized today that though I protested my innocence, I didn't snitch either time, I'm happy to say.)
Remembering these, admittedly, rather petty incidents, set me thinking about the world we live in today, where people swear black is white and vice versa, and sometimes good people even lose their jobs and livelihoods by speaking the truth.
I turned to God and said, "Oh Lord, I am so grateful to know that You are Truth itself." Pondering on that fact, holding onto it I continued, "You are the lodestar, the constant, the cornerstone, the unchanging." Tears of gratitude ran down my face. It was so good to remember that God is there knowing the truth of everything - even when I am in the wrong and He knows that too.
Then Christ reminded me, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no one can come to Father except through Me..." John 14:16
Praise the Lord, oh my soul. And may YOU be comforted and strengthened too by remembering the Constancy of the Holy Trinity.
Please do continue to get in touch as I love hearing your experiences of God.
God bless,
For articles, and inspiration, plus info about me and my work please visit my website. (www.teresaodriscoll.co.uk)
Set on the green and beautiful Greek island of Corfu in this novel I show the ever-present backstory of life, as I interpret the supernatural elements of our dilemmas and choices.
I know, that no matter what your beliefs or experiences, you will surely recognize the tussles of my characters, as tussles in your own life.... Enjoy Angel at the Paradise Hotel! You may like to see my blog on the Backstory of this novel
9 Days to Heaven Christian inspiration
I wrote 9 Days to Heaven, How to make everlasting meaning of your life as my personal evangelization effort. Check out 9 Days to Heaven See YouTube book trailer: 9 Days to Heaven
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