Wednesday 25 September 2024

Want to improve your day? Help someone else!


Hello and Welcome! 

Wherever you are in the world thanks so much for stopping by! 

I wonder what sort of day you are having. Today I needed to check my tyre pressures so I popped into my local Tesco's garage. What happened next set me thinking about how good it is to help someone when you can. A woman was using the air machine, and with another car waiting I joined the queue. The woman got back into her car but when minutes passed and she didn't move her car I went to see what was happening. The woman looked flustered. The computer in her car was showing that her tyre pressures were low. "I think I've taken the air out," she muttered, fiddling with the computer. Clearly she'd felt she'd made a silly mistake. "I don't like driving this car," she said. "But it's my husband's and he's got dementia so I have to."

My car doesn't have a computer so I couldn't help. I spoke to the other waiting driver who, instead of being impatient, hopped out of his car and went to her aid. Then he volunteered to pump the tyres back up. He did the job cheerfully and his passenger was also patient and understanding. Driving home I reflected that the woman's mistake had given the man a chance to do a good deed. He rose to the occasion. Marvellous. Living with a husband suffering from dementia the woman had a lot on her plate and I think that the man's little act of kindness will have been much appreciated. I know it touched me.   

You are probably living a very busy life but I have a strong feeling that as you have chose to read this far you are open to the idea of helping others, as and when you can. It could be as simple as say, holding the door open for someone pushing a pram, saying a big thank you with a smile to the supermarket checkout person, phoning a friend who is ill, and so on. We often don't know how much just a little kindness could be a huge blessing on someone's dayThe bonus is that when we do this we often feel a little glow of happiness ourselves. 

You could try the short meditation below to think that over. 

1 minute meditation

Breathe in deeply and as you exhale feel the whole of your body relax.

Now read these words of St Paul and see how they apply to your life.

"God has made us what we are, and in our union with Christ Jesus He has created us for a life of good deeds, which He has already prepared for us to do." Ephesians 2:10

Then say this prayer, or one of your own, "Dear Heavenly Father, I want to show my love for You by demonstrating love to others, so please will You help me to keep alert for ways to do this as I go about my day. I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen." 

I'd love to hear about Your good deeds or how a stranger helped you and how it made you feel.  

God bless,


For articles, and inspiration, plus info about me and my work please visit my website.  (

You may like to check out my books which are all available as paperbacks and e-books. 

Pray Then Listen Prayer guide 

I have been asking God for guidance and listening to His replies for many years. I share my simple methods in Pray Then Listen, A heart-to-heart with God 
Angel at the Paradise Hotel Christian fiction romance / suspense

Set on the green and beautiful Greek island of Corfu in this novel I show the ever-present backstory of life, as I interpret the supernatural elements of our dilemmas and choices. 

I know, that no matter what your beliefs or experiences, you will surely recognize the tussles of my characters, as tussles in your own life....  Enjoy Angel at the Paradise Hotel! You may like to see my blog on the Backstory of this novel

9 Days to Heaven Christian inspiration

I wrote 9 Days to Heaven, How to make everlasting meaning of your life as my personal evangelization effort.  Check out 9 Days to Heaven  See YouTube book trailer:  9 Days to Heaven 


Wednesday 11 September 2024

Let your heart be filled with hope!


Hello and Welcome! 

Wherever you are in the world thanks so much for stopping by for a little inspiration! No matter what sort of day you are having take a moment to take a deep breath, breathe out slowly and read the following Bible quote.

Now say this prayer, or one of your own.

"Dear Heavenly Father, please help me to remember that You are with me always.  Thank You so much for helping me through this day."

REMEMBER The Bible is packed with hope and love so try to read it as often as you  can. As well as the Bible I like to read books by other Christians for a fresh perspective. I recommend this habit. 

You may like to check out my books. 

                            Pray Then Listen  

                                      Prayer guide 
I have been asking God for guidance and listening to His replies for many years. I share my simple methods in Pray Then Listen, A heart-to-heart with God

Check out Pray Then Listen In UK / In US  / In Singapore / In New Zealand / In Australia

Available as a Kindle version or paperback!                               

                Angel at the Paradise Hotel 

                     Christian fiction romance / suspense

Set on the green and beautiful Greek island of Corfu in this novel I show the ever-present backstory of life, as I interpret the supernatural elements of our dilemmas and choices. 

I know, that no matter what your beliefs or experiences, you will surely recognize the tussles of my characters, as tussles in your own life....  Enjoy!

Click on the following links to check out my novel, Angel at the Paradise Hotel In UK /  In US / In Singapore

Available as a Kindle version or paperback!

You may like to see my blog on the Backstory of this novel

                        9 Days to Heaven 

                        Christian inspiration

Living alongside Greeks for many years, their openness about living their religion really rubbed off on me. While living in Athens I wrote my book 9 Days to Heaven. The book shows very simple methods of opening out to the love of God, and welcoming Him into your everyday life. 

I wrote 9 Days to Heaven, How to make everlasting meaning of your life as my personal evangelization effort.  

Check out 9 Days to Heaven In UK / In US / In Singapore  / In Australia / 

Available as a Kindle version or paperback!

Here is the link for the YouTube book trailer:  9 Days to Heaven 

For articles, and inspiration, plus info about me and my work please visit my website.  (

If you are going through a bad time and want me to put you on my prayer list please let me know. 

God bless,


Monday 9 September 2024

Appreciate life like Princess of Wales!


Hello, and welcome!  

Thank you for dropping in. I like to think that you are keeping well, even as I acknowledge that life is not always filled with roses! Today I was very touched by the video message from the Princess of Wales giving us an update on her health. It is great news that she has now finished her chemotherapy treatments, though the journey to full recovery continues. The short film, with voiceover by the princess, is a beautiful seamless collage of home-shot clips and professional photography giving a rare glimpse into this close-knit, loving and affectionate family. 

The video followed, the princess and her husband, the Prince of Wales, and their three children, as they walked in the woods, paddled in the sea, and played together during their August holiday in Norfolk. Facing her own mortality the princess has a fresh perspective on life.

It is common for a survivor of a potentially life-threatening illness, or various other close-brushes with death, to feel a new and deeper appreciation of life. I mention this in my book Pray Then Listen (see details below) where I share that many years ago, after hearing of yet another case of that, I decided to follow their example of renewed appreciation, thankfully without the trauma.

That began, and continues to this day, by expressing gratitude for the very fact of waking up. And you may like to do this too.

Begin by opening your eyes then rubbing your fingertips together. Then say this prayer.

“Hello Lord

Thank You for the gift of a new day. And thank You too that I can see, and hear, and for all my other senses and faculties.

Please help me to use this day wisely.

I ask this in Jesus’ name.


 May your choice to appreciate life more bring you ever closer to God. I would love to hear from you about this.

Teresa x

I have been asking God for guidance and listening to His replies for many years. I share my methods in Pray Then Listen, A heart-to-heart with God.

Check out Pray Then Listen In UK / In US  / In SingaporeIn New Zealand / In Australia

Available as a Kindle version or paperback! 

"Angel at the Paradise Hotel is an inspiring, touching and moving novel for the ages, generating faith, optimism, and, above all, hope. A very enjoyable read, which I highly recommend!" Georges N. Chamchoum, Emmy and multiple award-winning film director and producer

Click on the following links to check out Angel at the Paradise Hotel In UK /  In US / In Singapore / In Australia / In New Zealand

Available as a Kindle version or paperback!

I wrote 9 Days to Heaven, How to make everlasting meaning of your life as my personal evangelization effort.  

Check out 9 Days to Heaven In UK / In US / In Singapore / In Australia / 

Available as a Kindle version or paperback!

Here is the link for the YouTube book trailer:  9 Days to Heaven 

For articles, plus more info about me and my work please visit my website.  ( You could check out my short video on the Goodness of God

Tuesday 23 July 2024

Travel in Europe: Stay safe from deadly West Nile Virus!


Hello, and welcome!  

I hope you are keeping well!  I'm very glad that you stopped by. A headline caught my eye today which made my blood run cold: "Fears grow over spread of deadly West Nile virus after a woman 'in perfect health' died in Spain having been bitten by a mosquito" (Daily Mail Online) Though I have no plans to go to Spain the reason for my reaction is that I have had this virus, and quite badly. And so I wanted to warn you about it. The virus first arrived in Athens, where I was living, in 2010 and I caught it in the July. 

In the Daily Mail article it says, "British holidaymakers travelling to Spain have been warned about the deadly West Nile virus for the past few years and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) recently raised fresh concerns, with its weekly update showing new outbreaks in Greece and Italy.

The virus is transmitted by the West Nile mosquito, which I can tell you is larger than the regular ones you may be familiar with. Not all of these insects are infected with the virus - I was bitten countless times before I got ill - but if they feed on the blood of infected wild birds they then pass that infection onto humans when they feed on our blood. Yuck! 

There is a whole list of symptoms accompanying the West Nile Virus infection. I felt a little unwell at the start, and a bit off my food, but then felt very unwell indeed, and nauseous, with strange body pains moving around randomly, a temperature, fatigue, weakness, and so on. Actually, I was unwell for about three months. The virus can also cause encephalitis - inflammation of the brain, and this can be fatal.  

The good news, yes there is good news, most people, (about 80% statistically) don't experience any symptoms when infected. But it is far better to try to avoid infection, I think you will agree. You can do this by taking some preventative measures. 

1. Use an insect repellent before going out. Reapply as advised. 

Check out these links for the best repellents: 'Which' recommended   ; 'expert reviews' recommended

2. Be aware that mosquitos are most active at dusk, so maybe stay indoors then.

3. If you are very vulnerable / susceptible to bites consider covering up - long trousers and long-sleeved tops.

4. Be aware that mosquitos love hiding in the shrubbery. I've been bitten alive in outdoor restaurants that have surrounded their boundaries with potted greenery.

5. At night keep windows and doors closed and use your air-conditioning to keep cool.

Just a final comment on insect repellents. In 2010 when, as I said, the West Nile mosquito first arrived in Greece I tried numerous repellents and none of them worked! (I understand they have now been upgraded and do work.) In desperation I tried citronella, which the Greeks swear by, but these new mosquitos ignored it and still bit me. Finally, I found something that worked: geranium oil. So now, I never visit Greece without some. And I put it on before I exit the plane! I simply put a drop in my hand, rub my hands together to spread it, then dab it on my face, and all other areas of exposed skin, and even random bits of clothing - anything to keep the mozzies away! And it does. 

 May God bless you and keep you safe from West Nile virus and all manner of mishaps as you take a well earned break from routine.

Teresa x

P.S. If you are looking for a novel to take on holiday with you why not load up your Kindle with my Angel at the Paradise Hotel?  It is an absorbing summer read! 

"Angel at the Paradise Hotel is an inspiring, touching and moving novel for the ages, generating faith, optimism, and, above all, hope. A very enjoyable read, which I highly recommend!" Georges N. Chamchoum, Emmy and multiple award-winning film director and producer

Click on the following links to check out my novel, Angel at the Paradise Hotel In UK /  In US / In Singapore / In Australia / In New Zealand

Available as a Kindle version or paperback!

For articles, plus more info about me and my work please visit my website.  ( You could check out my short video on the Goodness of God

If you enjoy reading my posts - and thousands of you do, from all over the world, I'm thrilled to say! - I think you will enjoy getting in deeper into my work for even more effective results. That's why I've listed my other books below. All are available as e-books as well as hard copies, which makes them very affordable. I've added lots of links so you can check them out.

I have been asking God for guidance and listening to His replies for many years. I share my methods in Pray Then Listen, A heart-to-heart with God.

Check out Pray Then Listen In UK / In US  / In SingaporeIn New Zealand / In Australia

Available as a Kindle version or paperback! 

I wrote 9 Days to Heaven, How to make everlasting meaning of your life as my personal evangelization effort.  

Check out 9 Days to Heaven In UK / In US / In Singapore / In Australia / 

Available as a Kindle version or paperback!

Here is the link for the YouTube book trailer:  9 Days to Heaven 


Tuesday 9 April 2024

Living in Fear? Take heart!


St Columban

Hello, and welcome!  

I hope you are keeping well! Thank you so much for stopping by today!

I think you may agree that Fear is something that can come upon us at any time. It could be triggered by something 'minor' like when I found a huge spider at home. I own up to touch of arachnophobia (good Greek word that). I  said a quick prayer (Please Lord help me to get it safely outside and without dropping it! I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.) then I trapped it (in a tumbler covered by postcard) and put it safely outside (tossed it, while shuddering, into a nearby tree). 

I hope reading that made you smile, I am chuckling now as I write, but at the time I was fearful. I use the example of how this unexpected, and in the grand scheme of things so petty, created fear in me. I'm sure you have your own triggers for this kind of transitory fear. 

In life, there are, though, very many serious challenges that can trigger Fear including problems with health, finances, relationships, to name but a few. When facing these, I recommend you speak to God about it as quickly as possible. I did this with the minor fear outlined above as I do take Everything to God.  

I decided to write this post because, while sorting through some papers at home, I came across the following prayer. I hope the prayer resonates with you in some way and is helpful.   

Lord Take Away My Fear

"For the Spirit given us is one not of fear, but of strength." 2 Tim 1:7

Lord, I am fearful of so many things. I'm fearful of other people. And the way they can hurt me. And what they say about me. Fearful of crime and mugging, sickness, disease, fearful of life itself.

I'm afraid of myself, too. Afraid of my own reactions to things, my own emotions, my future. I feel so insecure at times. And sometimes I'm fearful of You, Lord. Because my sins weigh me down, and I wonder how I can face You. And wonder about the consequences of my actions in life, their harm, their effects on others, and on my relationship with You. 

Lord please send Your Spirit to take my fears away so I may rest peaceful and calm, like a sort summer's morn. 


The above prayer was written on a card from The Missionary Society of St Columban  

May the presence of the Holy Spirit calm your fear in a testing time - big or small!. I would love to hear your stories on this topic.  

God bless,

Teresa x

For articles, plus more info about me and my work please visit my website.  ( You could check out my short video on the Goodness of God


If you enjoy reading my posts - and thousands of you do, from all over the world, I'm thrilled to say! - I think you will enjoy getting in deeper into my work for even more effective results. That's why I've listed my books below. All three are available as e-books as well as hard copies, which makes them very affordable. I've added lots of links so you can check them out.

I have been asking God for guidance and listening to His replies for many years. I share my methods in Pray Then Listen, A heart-to-heart with God.

Check out Pray Then Listen In UK / In US  / In SingaporeIn New Zealand / In Australia

Available as a Kindle version or paperback! 

Set on the green and beautiful Greek island of Corfu in this novel I show the ever-present backstory of life, as I interpret the supernatural elements of our dilemmas and choices. 

I know, that no matter what your beliefs or experiences, you will surely recognize the tussles of my characters, as tussles in your own life....  Enjoy!

Click on the following links to check out my novel, Angel at the Paradise Hotel In UK /  In US / In Singapore / In Australia / In New Zealand

Available as a Kindle version or paperback!

You may like to see my blog on the Backstory of this novel

I wrote 9 Days to Heaven, How to make everlasting meaning of your life as my personal evangelization effort.  

Check out 9 Days to Heaven In UK / In US / In Singapore / In Australia / 

Available as a Kindle version or paperback!

Here is the link for the YouTube book trailer:  9 Days to Heaven 

Wednesday 3 April 2024

Was Easter spiritual for you?

Hello, and welcome!  

I hope you enjoyed your Easter and while it is still in your memory (and maybe you, like me, still have an Easter egg or two to enjoy - I like mine with a cup of tea!) I'd like to ask you a question if you don't mind. 

Did Easter used to mean something spiritual to you, but now it's mainly just chocolate and a bank holiday break from routine?  

If that strikes a chord, either with you (or a loved one, you could pass this message onto!) I want to tell you this:

Though you may have given up on God, He has not given up on you!

I remember reading a C.S. Lewis book where he said that most people who stop believing in God don't do so after carefully considered reasoning. They usually just stop giving Him any time and thought and simply drift into that state of mind.

I am one of a team of readers at my church and at the service of the Resurrection last Saturday my reading was from the Prophet Isaiah. The words that jumped out at me to pass onto you were:

"Seek the Lord while He is still to be found, call to Him while He is still near."  Isaiah 55:6

As I say in my book 9 Days to Heaven (see below for details) if you feel that something is missing in your life and you are not close to Him, that something is God. It is impossible to feel fulfilled if He is not a part of your life. When I say God I am speaking of the Holy Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 

If you want to turn back here is a quick prayer to make the first step:

"Dear Heavenly Father, I am sorry that I've been so caught up in my life that I have ignored You. Please forgive me and help me to move closer to You again. I ask this in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen."

Finally, I want to tell you that God loves you and He wants you to love Him. 

Wishing you a belated but heartfelt, Happy Easter. Let me know how you get on with this prayer. 

God bless,

Teresa x

For articles, plus more info about me and my work please visit my website.  ( You could check out my short video there on the Goodness of God


If you enjoy reading my posts - and thousands of you do, from all over the world, I'm thrilled to say! - I think you will enjoy getting in deeper into my work for even more effective results. That's why I've listed my books below. All three are available as e-books as well as hard copies, which makes them very affordable. I've added lots of links so you can check them out.

I have been asking God for guidance and listening to His replies for many years. I share my methods in Pray Then Listen, A heart-to-heart with God.

Check out Pray Then Listen In UK / In US  / In SingaporeIn New Zealand / In Australia

Available as a Kindle version or paperback! 

Set on the green and beautiful Greek island of Corfu in this novel I show the ever-present backstory of life, as I interpret the supernatural elements of our dilemmas and choices. 

I know, that no matter what your beliefs or experiences, you will surely recognize the tussles of my characters, as tussles in your own life....  Enjoy!

Click on the following links to check out my novel, Angel at the Paradise Hotel In UK /  In US / In Singapore / In Australia / In New Zealand

Available as a Kindle version or paperback!

You may like to see my blog on the Backstory of this novel

I wrote 9 Days to Heaven, How to make everlasting meaning of your life as my personal evangelization effort.  

Check out 9 Days to Heaven In UK / In US / In Singapore / In Australia / 

Available as a Kindle version or paperback!

Here is the link for the YouTube book trailer:  9 Days to Heaven 

Thursday 22 February 2024

Feeling overwhelmed? Pray!

"All Praise be yours, my Lord, through Sister Moon
and the stars; in the heavens you have made them, bright, and precious, and fair."

St. Francis of Assisi, from The Canticle of Brother Sun 

Hello, and welcome!  

I just went into the back garden, as night was falling, to fill the birdfeeders and was stopped in my tracks by a beautiful sight. A small, almost full moon, shone like a bright silver button in a clear, dark blue sky. Praise the Lord for His wonders! I've just checked and the full moon, known this month as the “Snow Moon” will rise on Saturday. It will be the farthest distance away from Earth, and the smallest full moon of the year.

I hope you are having a good week and a good Lent. I have been having so very many ideas for articles, workshops, and so on this month, that I began to feel a bit overwhelmed. After prayer I realized that a different and more encouraging way to look at this was to acknowledge that I am having a very creative month. That Divine inspiration turned the way I was looking at this on its head. I began to get very enthusiastic about the next step: putting these ideas into action. Thank You Lord. 

Fortunately, as the ideas have been flooding in, I have been writing them down. This is something I highly recommend to you. Over the years I have learnt that original ideas arrive through a unique sequence of  thoughts, comments, events, discussions, and so on.  In the past I have thought that I would remember such ideas, but often I didn't. I learnt my lesson. I jot the ideas down for later. 

Yesterday, I wrote two articles and began looking over a workshop. Today, I have been firming up the first module of the workshop. I got as far as I could before I went out to feed the birds. When I saw that moon, though, I just wanted to share it with you. I had been wanting to say "Hello" to you, so this is another thing off my To Do list.

When you are feeling overwhelmed, which happens to us all, do you pray about it? Ask God for help and guidance as I do?  It brought me such relief this week that I hope that passing on this reminder, giving you a gentle nudge, makes you feel great too! Try the following meditation to think that over.

1 minute meditation

1.     Ponder on this Bible quote:

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be open to you." Mt 7:7

  2.    Sit up straight and close your eyes. Breathe in deeply through the nose. Hold a few seconds. Breathe out through the mouth and as you do so feel the whole of your body relax.

             3.     Now meditate for a few moments on how you cope with pressure.  

            4.     Now say this prayer, or one of your own, ‘‘Dear Lord, please remind me to turn to You whenever I need help. I ask this in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen." 

            5.    When you are ready breathe in and out deeply as before. Then open your eyes and have a big stretch. 

 May you find inspiration in all of God's creations as you move closer to Him each day. I would love your feedback on this topic. 

God bless,

Teresa x

For articles, plus more info about me and my work please visit my website.  (


If you enjoy reading my posts - and thousands of you do, from all over the world, I'm thrilled to say! - I think you will enjoy getting in deeper into my work for even more effective results. That's why I've listed my books below. All three are available as e-books as well as hard copies, which makes them very affordable. I've added lots of links so you can check them out.

I have been asking God for guidance and listening to His replies for many years. I share my methods in Pray Then Listen, A heart-to-heart with God.

Check out Pray Then Listen In UK / In US  / In SingaporeIn New Zealand / In Australia

Available as a Kindle version or paperback! 

Set on the green and beautiful Greek island of Corfu in this novel I show the ever-present backstory of life, as I interpret the supernatural elements of our dilemmas and choices. 

I know, that no matter what your beliefs or experiences, you will surely recognize the tussles of my characters, as tussles in your own life....  Enjoy!

Click on the following links to check out my novel, Angel at the Paradise Hotel In UK /  In US / In Singapore / In Australia / In New Zealand

Available as a Kindle version or paperback!

You may like to see my blog on the Backstory of this novel

I wrote 9 Days to Heaven, How to make everlasting meaning of your life as my personal evangelization effort.  

Check out 9 Days to Heaven In UK / In US / In Singapore / In Australia / 

Available as a Kindle version or paperback!

Here is the link for the YouTube book trailer:  9 Days to Heaven