Tuesday 23 July 2024

Travel in Europe: Stay safe from deadly West Nile Virus!


Hello, and welcome!  

I hope you are keeping well!  I'm very glad that you stopped by. A headline caught my eye today which made my blood run cold: "Fears grow over spread of deadly West Nile virus after a woman 'in perfect health' died in Spain having been bitten by a mosquito" (Daily Mail Online) Though I have no plans to go to Spain the reason for my reaction is that I have had this virus, and quite badly. And so I wanted to warn you about it. The virus first arrived in Athens, where I was living, in 2010 and I caught it in the July. 

In the Daily Mail article it says, "British holidaymakers travelling to Spain have been warned about the deadly West Nile virus for the past few years and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) recently raised fresh concerns, with its weekly update showing new outbreaks in Greece and Italy.

The virus is transmitted by the West Nile mosquito, which I can tell you is larger than the regular ones you may be familiar with. Not all of these insects are infected with the virus - I was bitten countless times before I got ill - but if they feed on the blood of infected wild birds they then pass that infection onto humans when they feed on our blood. Yuck! 

There is a whole list of symptoms accompanying the West Nile Virus infection. I felt a little unwell at the start, and a bit off my food, but then felt very unwell indeed, and nauseous, with strange body pains moving around randomly, a temperature, fatigue, weakness, and so on. Actually, I was unwell for about three months. The virus can also cause encephalitis - inflammation of the brain, and this can be fatal.  

The good news, yes there is good news, most people, (about 80% statistically) don't experience any symptoms when infected. But it is far better to try to avoid infection, I think you will agree. You can do this by taking some preventative measures. 

1. Use an insect repellent before going out. Reapply as advised. 

Check out these links for the best repellents: 'Which' recommended   ; 'expert reviews' recommended

2. Be aware that mosquitos are most active at dusk, so maybe stay indoors then.

3. If you are very vulnerable / susceptible to bites consider covering up - long trousers and long-sleeved tops.

4. Be aware that mosquitos love hiding in the shrubbery. I've been bitten alive in outdoor restaurants that have surrounded their boundaries with potted greenery.

5. At night keep windows and doors closed and use your air-conditioning to keep cool.

Just a final comment on insect repellents. In 2010 when, as I said, the West Nile mosquito first arrived in Greece I tried numerous repellents and none of them worked! (I understand they have now been upgraded and do work.) In desperation I tried citronella, which the Greeks swear by, but these new mosquitos ignored it and still bit me. Finally, I found something that worked: geranium oil. So now, I never visit Greece without some. And I put it on before I exit the plane! I simply put a drop in my hand, rub my hands together to spread it, then dab it on my face, and all other areas of exposed skin, and even random bits of clothing - anything to keep the mozzies away! And it does. 

 May God bless you and keep you safe from West Nile virus and all manner of mishaps as you take a well earned break from routine.

Teresa x

P.S. If you are looking for a novel to take on holiday with you why not load up your Kindle with my Angel at the Paradise Hotel?  It is an absorbing summer read! 

"Angel at the Paradise Hotel is an inspiring, touching and moving novel for the ages, generating faith, optimism, and, above all, hope. A very enjoyable read, which I highly recommend!" Georges N. Chamchoum, Emmy and multiple award-winning film director and producer

Click on the following links to check out my novel, Angel at the Paradise Hotel In UK /  In US / In Singapore / In Australia / In New Zealand

Available as a Kindle version or paperback!

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I have been asking God for guidance and listening to His replies for many years. I share my methods in Pray Then Listen, A heart-to-heart with God.

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I wrote 9 Days to Heaven, How to make everlasting meaning of your life as my personal evangelization effort.  

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