Wednesday 25 September 2024

Want to improve your day? Help someone else!


Hello and Welcome! 

Wherever you are in the world thanks so much for stopping by! 

I wonder what sort of day you are having. Today I needed to check my tyre pressures so I popped into my local Tesco's garage. What happened next set me thinking about how good it is to help someone when you can. A woman was using the air machine, and with another car waiting I joined the queue. The woman got back into her car but when minutes passed and she didn't move her car I went to see what was happening. The woman looked flustered. The computer in her car was showing that her tyre pressures were low. "I think I've taken the air out," she muttered, fiddling with the computer. Clearly she'd felt she'd made a silly mistake. "I don't like driving this car," she said. "But it's my husband's and he's got dementia so I have to."

My car doesn't have a computer so I couldn't help. I spoke to the other waiting driver who, instead of being impatient, hopped out of his car and went to her aid. Then he volunteered to pump the tyres back up. He did the job cheerfully and his passenger was also patient and understanding. Driving home I reflected that the woman's mistake had given the man a chance to do a good deed. He rose to the occasion. Marvellous. Living with a husband suffering from dementia the woman had a lot on her plate and I think that the man's little act of kindness will have been much appreciated. I know it touched me.   

You are probably living a very busy life but I have a strong feeling that as you have chose to read this far you are open to the idea of helping others, as and when you can. It could be as simple as say, holding the door open for someone pushing a pram, saying a big thank you with a smile to the supermarket checkout person, phoning a friend who is ill, and so on. We often don't know how much just a little kindness could be a huge blessing on someone's dayThe bonus is that when we do this we often feel a little glow of happiness ourselves. 

You could try the short meditation below to think that over. 

1 minute meditation

Breathe in deeply and as you exhale feel the whole of your body relax.

Now read these words of St Paul and see how they apply to your life.

"God has made us what we are, and in our union with Christ Jesus He has created us for a life of good deeds, which He has already prepared for us to do." Ephesians 2:10

Then say this prayer, or one of your own, "Dear Heavenly Father, I want to show my love for You by demonstrating love to others, so please will You help me to keep alert for ways to do this as I go about my day. I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen." 

I'd love to hear about Your good deeds or how a stranger helped you and how it made you feel.  

God bless,


For articles, and inspiration, plus info about me and my work please visit my website.  (

You may like to check out my books which are all available as paperbacks and e-books. 

Pray Then Listen Prayer guide 

I have been asking God for guidance and listening to His replies for many years. I share my simple methods in Pray Then Listen, A heart-to-heart with God 
Angel at the Paradise Hotel Christian fiction romance / suspense

Set on the green and beautiful Greek island of Corfu in this novel I show the ever-present backstory of life, as I interpret the supernatural elements of our dilemmas and choices. 

I know, that no matter what your beliefs or experiences, you will surely recognize the tussles of my characters, as tussles in your own life....  Enjoy Angel at the Paradise Hotel! You may like to see my blog on the Backstory of this novel

9 Days to Heaven Christian inspiration

I wrote 9 Days to Heaven, How to make everlasting meaning of your life as my personal evangelization effort.  Check out 9 Days to Heaven  See YouTube book trailer:  9 Days to Heaven 


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